Southwest Bancorp
Joffrey Long
Got the Deal? Get it Closed!
“We keep coming back to Joffrey — he makes the decisions”
“They’re reasonable and they know what they’re doing.”
“I wasn’t sure. But it turned out to be the right decision”
How It Works For You:
Who Do I Speak With?
Talk with me, Joffrey Long. I’m a decision-maker, not just a sales rep.
What Will Happen
Call me – I’ll ask a few quick questions, then give you an idea of what you can get.
How Long Will It Take?
7-14 days – if your transaction is ready to close

Call, Text, or E-mail Joffrey
(818) 635-1777
(A phone will may be fastest to get things started.)
5151 California Ave, St 100 / Irvine, CA / 92617-3205
Loans are made and serviced by Southwest Bancorp with its own funds under CA. Real Estate Broker’s license no. 00898122, issued by the CA. Dept. of Real Estate on 09/20/1985. Joffrey Long holds CA. Dept. of Real Estate Broker’s license no. 00525142, issued by the CA Dept. of Real Estate on 06/04/1979. Southwest Bancorp, referenced in this website, is a privately owned California Corporation and is not related to or in any way affiliated with the identically named Southwest Bancorp that is a publicly traded company.
Southwest Bancorp makes only business-purpose loans. Consumer-purpose loans, secured by 1-4 family residences, may be arranged or serviced by Southwest Bancorp. When this occurs, they are arranged under the real estate broker license 00898122 described above, and using an endorsement issued by the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System, Southwest Bancorp no. 285371, Joffrey Long, no. 027202. Equal Opportunity Lender / Fair Housing
Many of Southwest Bancorp’s loans are subsequently re-sold to private trust deed investors and still serviced by Southwest Bancorp. Some loans are “brokered” or arranged with funding from outside private or institutional investors. Investments in trust deeds secured by one or more interests in real property are subject to risk of loss.